Major Highlights of BTC’s support to rural communities through DAY-NRLM CBO platforms includes:

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• Selection of all 5 BTR districts as resource districts under Lakhpati Kisaan Initiative by MoRD. • Completion of District Livelihood Potential Mapping Exercise in all 5 districts • Village Poverty Reduction Plans being prepared for more than 30,000 SHGs that will be integrated with the Village Council Development Plan. • 21 All-Women Farmer Producer Organizations being created in partnership with National Association for Farmers Producer Organizations (NAFPO) & Samunnati for boosting Agri & Allied- based economic activities • Trainings to more than 50 SRLM district and Block level staff and more than 400 Community Cadre (such as Krishi Sakhis, Pashu Sakhis, Jeevika Sakhis etc) on planning process, various agri and allied activities. • Training to more than 200 CBOs – VOs and CLFs on their role in VPRP and overall rural development. • To boost rural economy, BTC to provide significant capitalization support to the rural communities through the CBO networks.

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Major Highlights of BTC’s support to rural communities through DAY-NRLM CBO platforms includes:

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Departmental Projects

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